
Awards (selected)

2023: Global Australian Award for Technology and Entrepreneurship, Winner (

2022: Red Dot Design Award: Best of the Best - Innovative Products (iniVation)

2020: CES Best of Innovation Award, winner (iniVation)

2020: Edge AI and Vision Alliance: Best Camera or Sensor, winner (iniVation)

2020: Red Herring Top 100 Europe (iniVation)

2020: Swiss Economic Award Finalist (iniVation)

2017, 2016, 2010, 2009: Venturekick Stages I & II (grant awards, various startups)

2013 & 2011: The Best Swiss Startups: Top 100 (YouRehab)

2011: Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Award 2011, Finalist (top 10 worldwide)

2011: ZKB Pionierpreis Technopark, Winner: 1st place

2010 & 2008: Swiss Society for Rehabilitation Congress, Best poster

2008: Virtual Rehabilitation 2008 conference, Best paper

Recent Talks, Interviews, Podcasts (selected)

Specialist Scientific and Industry

2023-01-12 DigiTimes Asia: IniVation new ultra-high speed camera sensors make autonomous driving safer

2022-07-08      3rd Suzhou Auto Vision Tech Conference, Suzhou, China: Neuromorphic Vision Sensing for Automotive Applications

2022-05-21      ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bonn, Germany: Panel discussion: Space applications of neuromorphic vision

2021-06-08      Computer Vision in Production, podcast

2020-10-02      European Space Agency Phi-Week, online: Neuromorphic Vision Sensing: Principles and Applications

2020-06-29      International Conference on Robotics and Automation: 2020 Workshop on Sensing, Estimating and Understanding the Dynamic World, online: Understanding Performance Characteristics of Neuromorphic Event-based Vision Sensors

2019-09-09      Technical University of Berlin, Germany: Event-based neuromorphic vision: technology overview and applications

Public Talks and Interdisciplinary

2023-03-27 Law and Economics Club, Zurich, Switzerland

2020-02-20      Life After PhD, UKE Hamburg, Germany: From Research To Applications (PhD student career day)

2018-10-16      grafikSCHWEIZ 18 Festival für Design & Technologie, Zurich, Switzerland: The Neuroscience of VR

2017-11-24      Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival @ CERN, Geneva, Switzerland: The Neuroengineering and Neuroscience of Interactive Environments

2017-07-18      VR Creators’ Lab, Bavarian Film Centre, Munich, Germany: The Neuroscience of VR

2012-01-16      TEDxEcoleHôtelièreLausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland: Interactive and Influential Spaces

Media Articles (selected)

For most recent media articles, see the iniVation LinkedIn page.

2020-04-23      Pele, Anne-Francoise; Neuromorphic Vision Sensors Bring Autonomy Closer to Reality

                            EE Times Asia (iniVation)

2015-09-02      Rutkin, Aviva; Intelligent cameras can put an end to always-on surveillance (Watching with Intent)

                            New Scientist (iniLabs)

2014-02-19      Delaye, Fabrice; 50 start-up suisses dans lesquelles investir

                            Bilan ( (YouRehab)

2012-01-19      Caldara, Alexandre; Au menu: idées fraîches

                            Hotel Revue (, article about the event TEDxEcoleHôtelièreLausanne

2011-11-03      Baumgartner, Eugen; Who is Who in Zürich: Die 200 Prominentesten Persönlichkeiten 2012

                            Selected as one of the 200 most prominent personalities in Zurich for 2012

2011-04-06      Yoker, Ümit; Karottenjagd mit Zusatzertrag

NZZ (YouRehab)

2010-09-30      Steier, Henning; Gesundheit zum Greifen Nah

                            20 Minuten Schweiz (YouRehab)

2010-03-01      Hilfiker, Daniel; Die Ergotherapie der Zukunft

                            Schweizer Fernsehen SF1, Puls (YouRehab)

2010-01-26      Ritter, Adrian; Die Ergotherapie von morgen findet am Computer statt

                            UZH News, (YouRehab)

2010-01            Schüler, Thomas, and Pälmke, Marion; PT@PC: Innovation Virtuelle Rehabilitation

                            Physiopraxis, vol. 1/2010, p. 22-25, Georg Thieme Verlag (innovative rehab. technologies)

2008-12-02      Thomson, Helen; Swapping your body becomes a virtual reality

                            New Scientist (University research)

2008-06-01      Christen, Markus; Wenn der Hase dem Hirn auf die Sprünge hilft

                            Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zürich (University research)

2002-06-06      Kulturzeit, 3SAT (University research)

2002-05-28      A Room with a Mind of its Own

                            Time Europe (University research)

2002-04-07      Nervige Technik

                            Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (University research)

2002-03-06      Ein Besuch im Innern des fühlenden Raums

                            Tages Anzeiger, Zürich (University research)

2001-07-01      Clevere Fußböden schlagen Alarm

                            National Geographic Deutschland (University research)

2000-09            Arte – Archimède (University public outreach; Lego Mindstorms product launch)